Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “Forgiving,” 2023, 2/2, woodcut on Stonehenge, 43 3/8” x 31 3/8”
Steven Sorman, “anything, anything at all,” 2023, 2/9, photopolymer intaglio, etching, collage on Hatome paper, 36 3/4” x 15 1/2”
Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “Lanterns,” 2020, 2/2, woodcut on Stonehenge, 43 3/8” x 31 3/8”
Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “Footnotes,” 2021, 1/2, woodcut on Stonehenge, 43 3/8” x 31 3/8”
Steven Sorman, “ever only this,” 2021, 1/9, photopolymer intaglio on handmade paper, 35 1/2” x 14 1/8”
Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “Swept Away,” 2023, 1/1, woodcut on Stonehenge, 43 3/8” x 31 3/8”
Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “White Wedge,” 2021, 2/2, woodcut on Stonehenge, 43 3/8” x 31 3/8”
Steven Sorman, “once only,” 2023, 1/7, etching, collage, acrylic on various paper
Steven Sorman, “table of contents,” 2023, 1/10, etching, embossing, collage, acrylic on handmade Indian paper, 12'“ x 8 1/4”
Steven Sorman, “without really knowing,” 2011, 5/7, etching, woodcut, acrylic with bronze powder on artist made paper, 19” x 55"”
Steven Sorman, “February 20,” 1996, gel, gouache, wc, oil, pastel, oil pastel, collage on handmade Indian paper, 10” x 8”
Steven Sorman, “February 13,” 1996, gel, gouache, wc, oil, oil pastel, collage on handmade Indian paper, 10” x 8”
Steven Sorman, “really what I am doing,” 2008, mixed media, collage on various papers, 36” x 26 1/2”
Jeanine Coupe Ryding, “Blue Ferns,” 2013, 1/1, woodcut print on Japanese paper, 28” x 65 1/2”
Steven Sorman, “fountain for David/fountain from David,” 2014, 4/10, photopolymer intaglio, etching, gesso on Whatman and Bodleian papers, 39 7/8” x 20”
Steven Sorman, “not now,” 2022, 1/8, photopolymer intaglio on Nepalese paper, 26 3/4” x 17 5/8”
Steven Sorman, from time to time,” 2017, photopolymer, intaglio, monoprint with collage, 41 1/2” x 26”
Steven Sorman, “so what,” 2017, photopolymer intaglio monoprint with collage, 27 1/2” x 20 1/2”
Steven Sorman, “Bamiyan vii,” 2001, mixed media on various papers, 38 1/2” x 17 1/2”
Steven Sorman, “plain of scattering,” 2004, 5/8, rust stencil, dry point, hand painting on various papers, 57 3/4” x 25 3/4'“