Lore Bert, “Streifen (Gelb-Blau) [Stripes (Yellow-Blue)],” 2009, object with Japanese Paper, 22” x 22”
Leila Daw, “Double Beaches are not the Harbor,” 2014, mixed media and shwe chi doe thread on unstretched linen, acrylic glaze, 33” x 27”
Christopher Tanner, “Fairy Harvest Moon,” 2008, mixed media on handmade paper, 30 1/4” x 30 1/4” (framed)
John Schwartzkopf, “Geometric Tango,” 2012, paperstone, maple, 37” x 12” x 10”
Nicola López, “Urban Transformation #4,” 2009, ed 10/12, etching, lithography, woodcut collage, 33 1/8” x 33 1/8”
Kirk Pedersen, “Red Wall, Dalian, China,” 2008, ed 3/10, lambda digital C Print, 40” x 60”
Janet Sorokin, “Fugue,” 2013, mixed media collage, 14 3/4 x 14 3/4”
Steven Sorman, “certain unbelief xiii,” 2014, mixed media on parchment mounted on paper, 24” x 20”
Katy Stone, “Sunspot,” 2011, oil on aluminum, 32” diameter
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #227,” 2016, earthenware, 8” x 7”
Claudia DeMonte, “Luxury of Exercise,” 1990, acrylic and pulp paper on wood, 19 1/2 “ x 17 1/4” (3 pieces)
John Schwartzkopf, “Ribbon Waveform II,” 2005 , environ base, birch, and various woods, 95 3/4” x 15” x 11”
Steven Sorman, “without which,” 2011, mixed media on drapery sheet, 102” x 34 1/4”
Lore Bert, “Fault-Fold-Form 4,” 2002, collage with Japanese and Nepal Paper, 20 3/4” x 22 3/4”
Leila Daw, “River Magic,” 2014, handmade traditional Burmese shwe chi doe tapestry techniques and mixed media on canvas, with gold leaf, acrylic glaze
Kirk Pedersen, “47th Street,” 1990, ink on paper, 26 3/4” x 33”
Katy Stone, “Other World 30,” 2013, acrylic on Duralar, pins, 4” x 2 1/2” x 1”
Christopher Tanner, “Total Eclipse,” 2008, mixed media on handmade paper, 39” diameter
John Schwartzkopf, “Bamboo Panel,” 2013, bamboo, plywood, various woods, 13” x 91” x 2 1/2”
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #223,” 2016, earthenware, 10” x 6 1/2”
Janet Sorokin, “Lunar Gold,” 2001, acrylic/collage, 19 1/4” x 18 1/4”
Kirk Pedersen, “Comey,” 1995, acrylic and paper on canvas, 60” x 48”
Claudia DeMonte, “Where’s Home: Commuting,” 1990, acrylic on wood,
19 1/4” x 34 5/8”
Leila Daw, “Jetty,” 2006, mixed media on panel, 8 1/2” x 8 1/2”
Katy Stone, “Other World (Bling Seep),” 2015, acrylic and glitter on Duralar, pins, 9'“ x 4”
Janet Sorokin, “Happening,” 2006, mixed media acrylic collage, 22” x 22 1/2”
Leila Daw, “Edge,” 2008, mixed media on panel, 9” x 9”
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #225,” 2016, earthenware, 10 1/2” x 7 1/2”
Lore Bert, “Chinese Form (Chinesische Form),” 2009, multiple object with Japanese paper and gold leaf, 12/14, 12 7'/16” x 12 7/16”
Katy Stone, “Other World 29,” 2014, acrylic on Duralar and paper, pins, 5 1/2” x 6” x 1”
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #224,” 2016, earthenware, 8 1/2” x 6 1/2”
Katy Stone, “Other World (moon landing),” 2015, acrylic on Duralar and paper, pins, 6” x 6”
Leila Daw, “Where the Romans Were,” 2008, mixed media on panel, 9” x 9”
Katy Stone, “Other World 21,” 2013, acrylic on Duralar, pins, 4” x 2 1/2” x 1”
Janet Sorokin, “Oasis,” 2000, acrylic/collage, 19 1/4” x 18 1/4”
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #226,” 2016, earthenware, 10 1/2” x 7”
Leila Daw, “Perfect Place,” 2007, mixed media on panel, 9 3/16” x 9 1/6”
Katy Stone, “Other World 28,” 2013, acrylic on Duralar and paper, pins, 11” x 8” x 1”
Katy Stone, “Other World (Black Iris),” 2015, acrylic on Duralar and paper, pins, 6” x 7”
William Yonker, “Lidded Jar #122,” 2017, earthenware, 9 1/2” x 7”
Janet Sorokin, “Nevermore,” 2008, mixed media collage, 21 1/4” x 21 1/4”